Advice For the Climb

By Silver Linings Guest Writer, Simply V

This was inspired by my support team and all the lessons they've taught me during my recovery journey, including that recovery is not a linear process and the importance of having self compassion for myself. I used the mountain as a metaphor for recovery and wrote this piece to help me counter the "all or nothing/black & white" thinking of ED.  It's a reminder for myself, as well as others in recovery, to keep going and to celebrate our progress along the way, and most importantly to be gentle and patient with ourselves when things get hard.

This poem is dedicated to Kalin Herbach, Dr. Michelle Emmerling and Katie Poirier for being the best guides I could ever ask for.  Thank you for your wisdom, support. and patience as I “climb”.

Advice For the Climb 

The peak is steep and rocky.

The trail, treacherous as fuck.

Summiting feels 

Like an insurmountable challenge.

Your fears overshadow your faith.

But. Keep. Going.

At your own pace.

Take breaks when needed.

Expect storms along the way.

And if you have to turn back

Or seek shelter,

That's OK.

Be gentle with yourself.

The peak is always there,

Patiently waiting.

Don't forget:

It's not only the summit

that has spectacular views…

There is wonder and freedom

To be found along the way.

Be present.

If you're only focused on the destination,

You will miss the transformative beauty

of this journey.

There will be setbacks.

Your route may change.

Multiple times.

You might not make it on your first try.

Be proud of yourself anyways.

For every attempt

Makes you stronger.


Take time to breathe it all in.

Look back and appreciate 

How far you've already travelled,

Instead of beating yourself up

For how much farther you have yet to go.

Every step 

Is taking you closer

And changing you

From the inside, out.

When you stumble,or fall

It's OK.

Keep going.

If you lose hope

And can’t trust in yourself,

Trust in others

Who have been there before you.

Let their wisdom and support be your guide.

For no one was meant to do this alone.

Trust me:

You will get there

In your own time

And it will be worth all the effort,

Every step of the climb.

By Simply V