“I Know What You’re Going Through”: Peer Mentor Support in Eating Disorder Recovery

By Sophie Balisky, Silver Linings Blogger 

Having an eating disorder can be lonely.

When recovery feels most challenging, it’s important to feel supported. Forms of support may come from our therapists, family members and friends…

However, despite these amazing support systems, recovery might call for someone who truly gets it

There are few connections more mutually healing than those of shared life-experience. It is for this reason that peer mentor support in eating disorder (ED) recovery is so incredibly effective.

An ED peer mentor is: 

 ❥ A carefully trained volunteer with lived-experience

 ❥ An ally

 ❥ A recovery cheerleader

 ❥ A listening ear

 ❥ An understanding support system

 ❥ A friend 

 ❥ Living proof that recovery from an eating disorder is possible!

An ED peer mentor will:

 ❥ Receive thorough training and be supervised in their mentorship by an ED therapist

 ❥ Communicate with mentees (individuals being mentored) on a weekly basis through text, email, video and phone calls (depending on communication preferences established)

 ❥ Create a safe space for their mentees to be heard 

 ❥ Provide empathy and understanding, free of judgement 

 ❥ Act as a “recovery buddy” to mentees

 ❥ Provide support to mentees between therapy sessions

 ❥ Answer mentee’s questions from the “other side” of recovery, providing hope that recovery from an eating disorder is possible

How is the role of a peer mentor different from the role of a therapist?: 

 Think of ED recovery like a forest- A therapist guides the mentee to navigate the path of recovery, the mentee walks the path and the peer mentor walks alongside, providing encouragement and connection along the way. 

A peer mentor says:

 “I’ve been here before. I’ve walked in your shoes and I remember what it’s like. You’re not alone in this. Furthermore, you can get through it...because I did. I’m walking this path alongside you. You can do this.” 

Have you recovered from an eating disorder? Does becoming a peer mentor interest you? 

Silver Linings Foundation is currently accepting applications for our premier Peer Mentor Support Team. Please apply here.

Are you currently in recovery and interested in working with a mentor? Reach out to us and let us know! In the meantime, hold tight. Our soon-to-be Peer Mentor Team is so excited to support you.
